I’m Getting Vaccinated Why Won’t You?
I’m getting vaccinated this Saturday and I’m actually upset that it took this long for me to get an appointment. I’ve been wanting to get vaccinated ever since I heard they had one that was approved and I just don’t understand why people are skeptical about it. I do understand that everyone’s body will not react to the vaccine the same way but that’s with any medication that is available.
There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people saying that they won’t take the vaccine yet because they want to wait to see how people react to it. Well, California now has the least amount of positive covid tests in the country and they have over 19 million people who have been vaccinated. The truth is in the numbers. How many times have you had a headache when you were out in public with no medicine and you may have asked someone if they had anything that could help with your headache? They may have come back with a pill for you to take but you didn’t know what it was yet you still took the pill to get rid of your headache. If you’ve done that then why be so skeptical of taking a vaccine for a disease that’s killed over half a million people.
The majority of the people in my opinion who don’t want to take the vaccine are the main ones out and about not wearing masks in public and saying this disease is a hoax. Go get vaccinated so we can get back to normal. It’s free and you can make an appointment almost anywhere.