Burpie’s Thoughts: Teaching Tuesday
Every generation feels as if they know more than the generation that follows them and that they’ve been through more than that following generation as well. You don’t realize why the older generation acts the way that they do when you’re young until you get older and you see how dumb you acted when you were a child.
I believe the generational gap stays wide because instead of the older generation trying to bridge that gap, they try to force their wills and beliefs onto that younger generation. Sometimes it’s warranted but the majority of the time all that needs to happen is just a simple conversation but we’re taught to respect our elders and I think that can be taken out of context. I don’t think respecting our elders means that those who are younger have to believe everything their elders say but instead just listen and apply it to their life. Also I think the older generation needs to listen to the younger generation and try to understand why they view things a certain way.
In my teaching Tuesday segment all I wanted to do was get people to see the difference in how people were raised when it comes to some simple things that you may not normally pay attention to. Check out what I had to say below.