Top 5: Scary Villains of All Time
It’s Halloween season and this is the time of year where all of the same scary movies begin to show on tv, whether it’s regular cable or they show the actual movies on the channels you have to pay a little extra for.
I am actually a fan of scary movies but I feel like they don’t make scary movies that are actually scary anymore. The 70’s 80’s and 90’s produced some of the greatest scary movies of all time and with those movies came some of the best scary characters. Here’s my list of the top 5 scariest movie characters ever.
5. Leatherface
In every single Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie Leather face was scary. Movie goers began to watch this movie franchise just to see what gruesome thing Leatherface would do next.

(Photo by LMPC via Getty Images)
4. CandyMan (original)
Candyman is an iconic scary movie character mainly because people who grew up watching this movie still will not go into the bathroom and say his name 5 times in the mirror.

(Photo by TriStar/Getty Images)
3. Pennywise (original)
When this miniseries came out in 1990 every child everywhere was afraid to go near any sewage drain that was on the street and they surely didn’t want to go to any circus or have a clown within a million feet of their birthday party. Tim Curry’s Pennywise will always be an icon in the scary movie hall of fame.

(Photo by Neal Slavin/Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images)
2. Jason Voorhees
This character is arguably the most recognized scary movie character ever. I like him because he is the only character to have his own walking theme music. You knew anytime you heard (Chee Chee Chee ha ha ha) something bad was about to happen real quick. That hockey mask will forever be tied to Jason Voorhees.

(Photo by VALERIE MACON / AFP) (Photo by VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)
1. Freddy Krueger
To this very day my oldest sister has to sleep with something on, a tv, night light, or music because when she was younger she saw a nightmare on elm street and realized Freddy Krueger would get you when you fell asleep. If you grew up in the 80s and 90s then you never wanted to fall asleep even if it were to just take a nap.

(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Honorable mention: Michael Myers (I didn’t him on my list because he was too unrealistic he never ran but always caught up with whoever was running from him)
Who are your favorite scary movie characters of all time?