CMPD Gives Trick or Treating Safety Tips
This Halloween will be different for a lot of people because last year during the pandemic trick or treating was shut down. The pandemic is still going on but parents are very weary as to how their child will go to other people’s houses and how social distance will play a part in it. CMPD says the main thing people need to look out for are careless and reckless drivers while out trick or treating.
They say drivers need to be driving cautiously this entire weekend, not just on Halloween since there are festivities planned all weekend and tiny ghouls could be hiding around every corner.
“It’s so important for everyone to realize it’s Halloween and kids are going to be out there. Take the extra security measures to go slow and make sure they’re stopping at all stop signs and taking those extra seconds for precautionary measures,” Officer Frisk said.
But CMPD says part of the responsibility is also on parents.
They recommend costumes having reflective patches on them, walking with a flashlight and staying on sidewalks in well-lit neighborhoods.
Other parents are worried about strangers and who might be hiding underneath the masks.
That’s why many families opt for a neighborhood-only trunk-or-treat.
When it comes to COVID-19, Mecklenburg County health officials say events and trick-or-treating should be done outside and in smaller groups.