LaLa Anthony Is Being Accused Of Stealing
Never in a million years did I ever think I would be reading or writing a story like this. Lala Anthony is being accused of stealing a designers design and using it elsewhere.
Ash Forde is a designer and is now claiming that not only did LaLa steal her design, it was used in a collaboration with major fashion retailer Pretty Little Thing. According to Ash, LaLa’s stylist Jeremy reached out to her to ask for pieces to be pulled for a show or event for LaLa Anthony.
The designer shared her utter disbelief that someone like Lala would do this to her.
She stated that she met with Jeremy and hand delivered the dress for Lala to wear.
Now, after the fact, she finds out that Lala did wear the dress, but it turned out to be a collaboration with Pretty Little Thing and apparently, its one of the Lala inspired designs.
The designer felt blind sided because she felt Lala had to approve the designs and would have known it was a duplicate. Now, what we have to be sure of is that Lala actually saw the dress. Is it possible the stylist never gave it to her and wanted to appease the designer by saying she took the dress with her and wanted to see if she wore it? I’m not sure. Is it possible Lala did see and it could be duplicated? It’s possible. Either way, the dresses are almost identical and someone needs to come out with some type of statement. Otherwise, someone may have to cough up some bread. Here is the original dress from the designer.
You be the judge.