Happy Veterans Day: Ms. Jessica Chats With Her Father About Breaking Barriers In The Military
HAPPY VETERANS DAY! Being a “military brat“, I know 1st hand that the military life is truly something different. For the people that live it everyday, the long deployments, relocating all over the world, and making new friends are just a part of life. My parents have been married for 51 years! For 37 of those years, my father served in the United States Coast Guard.

Momma and Daddy Next Door on their Wedding Day
Last year Veterans Day, I decided to share a piece of my military life with my Nosey Neighbors by interviewing my parents. Some of the stories I knew, like my father’s friendship with the legendary author Alex Hailey. Others, I had no idea about, like the penguin that got loose while he was on a Coast Guard helicopter.
Check out my interview with my mommy and daddy below. I hope that the story of this young couple that grew up on Beatties Ford Road, went to West Charlotte High School, and went on to break all kinds of barriers for African Americans in the US Coast Guard inspires you! Happy Veterans Day to ALL the men and woman that serve and protect our country!