Why is WWE Losing all of their talent to AEW
A lot of the talent who have been released from WWE have been jumping ship to AEW, but why is that? It seems as if the wrestlers in AEW have more freedom with their character and in the ring than the talent who are still in WWE.
WWE is catered more towards the families who have small children and don’t get upset when they see blood or actual violence. They would much rather have heroes and villains than actual good story lines and building up the characters who can maybe one day carry the company on their back.
Ever since AEW came onto the scene 2 years ago they’ve been making big splashes. While WWE has more of a PG rating AEW is almost rated R except that they’re on cable television. The talent on AEW seems to have more freedom while doing their promos and their matches and storylines draw you in and make you want to pay attention to what will happen next.
I feel like as long as Vince McMahon is still in charge in WWE he will run them into the ground. He is in his 70’s and is out of touch with what his audiences want to see when they come to a WWE event.
What do you think the problem within WWE is?