Censored on Social Media?
Right when creators got used to sharing on social media the backlash began. Creators get shadow banned for a few days, months or forever for telling truths. How do you feel about being censored for speaking your mind. I noticed that freedom of speech started being silenced in the mid 2000’s, but now it’s weirder. Weird because you won’t be given an educated answer to why you were banned. Who defines what misinformation on social media platforms? Is it the topic, is it your race because of biases or is it because of your gender? Everyone wants their freedom just like Mustafa Fteja who said his Facebook account was disabled without explaining why they shut off his access to friends and family. Well, according to Fox News this happened in 2015 by the tune of $500,000. His lawsuit charges Facebook with religious discrimination. Is it the algorithms that picks up on certain wording?
Don’t search topics that could be considered suspect, even keywords. There is no rhyme or reason sometimes for being At the end of the day can you do without social media forever? Shadow banning is also called ghost banning, hell-banning, and stealth banning. It’s the practice of blocking or slightly blocking users for their content. Don’t we have enough on our plate being hacked and blackmailed to get our account back?