Need a little retail therapy? If it is one thing that can make any day better, it’s shopping! Are you sad? Go shopping. Are you happy? Go shopping! Need a pick me up? Go shopping! Just plain out bored? Go shopping! Shopping is a girl’s best friend, but really it’s for everyone. Sometimes finding the right mall to shop at is all you need. One with plenty of options, a great food court, and tons and tons of your favorite stores. There is just something about the in-person shopping experience we all still love.
Footwear News gathered a list of some of the most mind-blowing shopping malls across America. Lucky for us we don’t have to travel too far to enjoy one of them! Of course, Charlotte’s very own South Park Mall made the list. From California to right here in Charlotte, there are tons of malls just waiting for you to shop til you drop. Check out 25 of the most mind-blowing shopping malls across the country.