Paper Calendar vs Digital in 2020
It’s a little frightful for paper calendar users to consider going 100% digital, and my digital calendar lovers wouldn’t turn back into the past to save their lives; well maybe if the internet was taken away. Let’s not think about that darkness, but maybe perhaps severe inclement weather conditions could take us off the grid.
You can tell, I’m defending my paper calendar users. because I’m an avid user. If I could I’d carry around an 11×14 paper calendar so I can doodle art and make notes I would. I love pulling out my 8×12 paper calendar out in meetings to watch the faces of my digital calendar lovers cringe as if they smelled spoiled tuna. What will you go to in 2020 or go back to, paper or digital calendars?
First African American, one-woman syndicated radio host in the Southeast region for major broadcast networks. Over the past 23 years my passion and perseverance has lead me to reach and relate to demographics spanning, Sports stations, Country, Hip-hop, R & B, Gospel, Adult Contemporary & Top 40 radio stations. I have a unique way of setting the tone, and people feel comfortable telling their story,