Who Likes Leather Weather?
There is nothing like the Fall. After those hot days of the summer, the cool breeze of Fall is not only welcomed by many, but quite refreshing. However, this Fall is much different from the ones in the past. For the first time in my life we are experiencing uncertainty with this virus that has crippled us socially and culturally. Gone are the days of High School Football Games on Friday nights, where friends and family all congregate to watch their sons play, and their daughters cheer.
Then there’s the STATE FAIR. Oh how I miss the smell of those smoked turkey wings, corn on the cob, and of course the funnel cake, and cheap popcorn. The good news is that the Holiday Season that is ushered in by the Fall is swiftly approaching, and with it the good cheer to our fellow man that’s just as contagious as the Corona. Come on people. Enjoy this fall and Holiday season with your kids, and load that pumpkin up with candy. Halloween is 3 weeks away, with Thanksgiving, and Christmas on deck. Corona may shut down our schools, our shopping malls, and social gatherings, but it doesn’t have to shut down our traditions!
Tell us your favorite holiday!!!