Your Body Will Breakdown
I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, but your body will breakdown after playing sports, jogging, some drug use, car accidents and eating the wrong foods for your blood type. Yes, eating for your blood type is a real thing. On the positive side of life, you lived another day and should be thankful for your health and loved ones around you. I know, these are things that most of us take for granted daily. However, it undoubtedly is something that all of us should value with an exceptional amount of gratitude. We all have been granted life, and health to some degree even though there are some bumps, bruises, and nicks along the way we have to deal with.
These bodies of ours will eventually breakdown, and that’s inevitable. Therefore while we have them, we should all do everything in our power to maintain, and care of them in a manner that will keep us functioning at peak efficiency. So on Thursday, when all that turkey and dressing comes out. Remember it’s ok to walk away after one plate. Ok maybe two plates. But by all means lay off the chitterlings, pig feet, and pork loins. For those of you who’ve never heard of these unhealthy delicacies, consider yourself blessed and thankful that you have never had to eat it. Our bodies are on loan, and they will not last forever. Watch what you do with yours, and what you put in it. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!