CMPD Finally Shuts Down Two Of Those Questionable North Carolina Fish Arcades
(Photo by Taylor Weidman/Getty Images)
MONG LA, MYANMAR - FEBRUARY 16: Men gamble on a popular fishing video game for cash on February 16, 2016 in Mong La, Myanmar. Mong La, the capital of Myanmar's Special Region No. 4, is a mostly lawless area where Chinese tourists are able to cross the border for exotic poached animals, gambling, and prostitution.
I’m sure you’ve seen them as you drive around North Carolina- fish arcades. They skirt the law of gambling institutions, and they are all over the area. Seriously once you notice one you’ll notice them all over the road. People often question how these are legal, and the truth is they barely are. They market themselves as skill games, but in reality, they are much closer to gambling-type games. In fact, just because the owners consider them “skill” doesn’t mean law enforcement sees them that way. And Friday, they executed search warrants and shut down two of the North Carolina fish arcades. They were both locations of Pluto’s Arcade at 6233 Old Sugar Creek Road and 5744 North Tryon Street.
CMPD reports that when they arrived both locations were staffed by unlicensed armed security guards. The locations were open with patrons inside during the searches. Approximately $95,000 was seized between the two locations and more than 170 gambling machines were disabled. Two misdemeanor warrants were served for individuals unrelated to illegal gambling. Both security guards were charged with providing armed security without a license. It wouldn’t surprise me if this is just the beginning of the crackdown on these North Carolina fish arcades.
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South Carolina Named One Of The Most Sinful States
The climate of the US is incredibly devised, especially between states that have different cultures, views, and ways of life. And we are quick to point at those different than us, as the source of all that is wrong with the U.S. But none of us are perfect, and we all have plenty of things we can work on. Another way to look at it, we are all committing sins. So in that honor, our friends at WalletHub conducted a study to name the most sinful states in 2023. And, not great news, South Carolina ranked in the top 10 of this list.
What exactly is a sin? The Oxford Dictionary defines since as “an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.” And these sins can be costly. On one hand, gambling costs the U.S. about $5 billion per year, according to WalletHub. Though it brings in much more than that in tourism money. WalletHub also says that another sin, smoking, costs us over $300 billion per year. The Bible talks about the 7 deadly sins which according to Britanica are:
1. vainglory, or pride,
2. greed, or covetousness
3. lust, or inordinate or illicit sexual desire
4. envy
5. gluttony, which is usually understood to include drunkenness,
6. wrath, or anger
7. sloth
But back to the states. Some states are more well-behaved than others. So in order to determine the states that most give in to their desires, WalletHub compared the 50 states across 47 key indicators of immoral or illicit behavior. The data set ranges from violent crimes per capita to excessive drinking to the share of the population with gambling disorders. Keep reading to see the most sinful states including South Carolina in the top 10.
Melanie Day is a graduate of North Carolina State University. She has worked for Beasley since 2012 in a variety of behind-the-scenes roles in both digital and promotions. Melanie writes about a diverse range of topics some of her favorites include travel, restaurants, Taylor Swift, and college athletics. When not at work you'll find her at a country concert or NC State sporting event.