Viral TikToker Reveals What North Carolina Colleges Would Say If Their Marketing Was Honest
Marcos Elihu Castillo Ramirez
I know I love a little college rivalry action. And with high school graduation upon us, a whole new group of students is getting ready to head to North Carolina Colleges in the next couple of months. While these students have made their decisions, there is also a huge group of rising high school seniors applying to college and trying to make the right decision. And one thing North Carolina colleges spend a lot of money on is marketing. Most have a catchy slogan, show you photos of students living their best lives, sports highlights, etc. But what if those schools, instead of doing the same basic marketing as everyone else, were a little more honest?
Well, that’s where TikToker @alex.cumming comes in. He’s been doing a series on if colleges were honest in their marketing, and he’s recently done two videos on North Carolina University’s honest marketing. And while he hasn’t gotten to every school, he’s covered a lot. As an alumni of NC State, well I think we fared pretty well. Always love the college football shout-out for sure. Some other institutions are touting their famous alumni, and others well it is honest. Take a look at the two TikTok videos below and see if you agree with your school’ rep.
North Carolina College One Of 10 Hardest To Get Into In The Country
We’ve got some fantastic universities in North Carolina. There is no question about that. But when I saw Niche’s latest ranking of the most difficult schools to be admitted to I wasn’t expecting to find an NC school ranked so high. But it’s true, a North Carolina college is one of the hardest to get into in the entire country. It’s ranked right between Columbia and Brown which is not bad company to be included in. This list is compiled by Niche and is based on acceptance rates and SAT/ACT test scores using data from the U.S. Department of Education. The top 25 features schools with acceptance rates between 5 and 12%. And while there has been an overall de-emphasis on SAT/ACT scores, you still are looking at scores in the high 1400s or 1500s if you want to attend one of the most elite schools in the country.
Of course, the Universities you’d expect are on this list including the Ivy League schools. And the top spot should come as no surprise to anyone. But I’ll be honest there were several schools on this list that I had never heard of before. Though to have such rigorous standards for admission a lot of people must have. Most of the toughest colleges to get into are in the Northeast with some in California as well. While it’s not a school I could ever get into, nor a sports team I find myself cheering for sans 2 games a year, it’s still something to be proud of that a North Carolina college is one of the hardest to get into in the country.
So which one is it? Below you’ll find the top 25 list, but I’ll let you know that it’s near the top. You can read the full Niche rankings here.
Melanie Day is a graduate of North Carolina State University. She has worked for Beasley since 2012 in a variety of behind-the-scenes roles in both digital and promotions. Melanie writes about a diverse range of topics some of her favorites include travel, restaurants, Taylor Swift, and college athletics. When not at work you'll find her at a country concert or NC State sporting event.