North Carolina City Offering Up To $90k To Families For Home Repairs
(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Do you live in North Carolina and have some much-needed home repairs or other work that needs to be done on your home? You could qualify for assistance on those expensive repair bills. The city of Raleigh is offering financial loans of up to $90,000 for qualified individuals as part of the city’s “Homeowner Rehab and Repair Programs”. The program aims to help homeowners finance the cost of major home repairs. Particularly ones that present a threat to “the life, safety, or health of the occupants”.
The biggest qualification is that the home must be located in the city of Raleigh to be eligible. Additionally, the home must have “three or more severely deteriorated systems (such as roof, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, or structural)” and have a property value of $371,000 or less. Applicants must have owned the home for at least 5 years and use it as their primary residence. This includes once the work is completed. You must also be 62 years of age or older or have a disability and fit within the income requirements listed on the city of Raleigh’s website.
If this sounds like you applications for this round of loans are now currently open. These loans of up to $90,000 are deferred payment with 0% interest. They are forgiven after five years unless the borrower defaults. A default occurs if the property is sold or transferred or the borrower no longer resides at the home at the end of the loan term. In that case, the outstanding balance will be owed to the city of Raleigh.
This is a great program that hopefully more cities in North Carolina will consider implementing to help with needed home repairs. You can learn more about the program, who is eligible, and how to apply here.
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Data Shows North Carolina Has The Most Dangerous Rural Roads In America
Driving these days can be a terrifying experience. Especially in Charlotte, it seems the drivers get worse and more aggressive by the day and traffic laws are a mere suggestion. But it’s actually the rural roads that are of concern in North Carolina. New research by Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Anidjar & Levine looked at 10 years’ worth of data including the number of annual miles driven on rural roads and the number of rural road accidents for each state. They used this data to determine which states had the highest occurrence of rural crashes. And it’s North Carolina that has the most dangerous rural roads in America.
That’s right North Carolina ranked first on this list. And that’s not something to celebrate. The state has 70.45 accidents for every billion miles driven. Another interesting statistic is that 44.3% of these crashes occur on roads with a 55 mph speed limit. That’s 64.7% higher than the national average which is 26.9%. In some ways, this makes sense as there are a lot of rural roads in North Carolina. But when you consider the sheer size of other states it is a little crazy that we topped the list.
To create this list the researchers at Anidjar & Levine gathered data from 2012-2021 from agencies including NCDOT, FARS, the U.S. Census Bureau, and FHWA. The rural road accident rate was calculated by dividing the annual miles driven on rural roads by the number of vehicles involved in rural road accidents for each state. Keep reading below to see the top five states with the most dangerous roads in America. North Carolina isn’t the only Carolina in the top 5 either. Stay safe out there North Carolina. Thanks to our friends at Journo Research for sharing this research with us.
Top 5 Most Dangerous Rural Roads In America
Melanie Day is a graduate of North Carolina State University. She has worked for Beasley since 2012 in a variety of behind-the-scenes roles in both digital and promotions. Melanie writes about a diverse range of topics some of her favorites include travel, restaurants, Taylor Swift, and college athletics. When not at work you'll find her at a country concert or NC State sporting event.