The Burpettes: Take On Gymnastics
As you you know I have 3 daughters & they are now at the ages where they want to get into everything. Burpette 1 (Kellen) is 12 Burpette 2 (Kaden) is 10 and Burpette 3 (Kieran) is 7. They were all heavily involved in gymnastics at one point but now only B1 is doing gymnastics. She is dedicated to her craft but 2 weeks ago while doing a back hand spring my baby sprained her ankle. When I heard the news I was devastated because I’ve destroyed both of my ankles playing sports but low & behold when she comes home from practice B1 is laughing about the entire situation. She has the size of a golf ball on the end of her ankle but she’s saying it doesn’t hurt that bad.
The overprotective dad in me wants to put her on my back and carry her everywhere she needed to go but she’s 12 and feels as if she doesn’t need help with anything. I even went to wal mart to buy crutches for my baby and she just left them at home while she went to school. Needless to say in less than a week she was back at practice like nothing happened.