This Polar Bear in Russia was Spray Painted with Black Graffiti and I’m Mad
Why! Why! Why! How can people do this to animals? After I saw this news story, I became so frustrated and mad I think some of my coworkers were even scared.
A video was posted by a World Wildlife Fund employee named Sergey Kavry, which showed a polar bear in a remote area of Russia marked with bold black graffiti on its back.
Now, this prank is may turn deadly because he can no longer hunt for his food without being camouflaged. Yes, whomever thought it was “funny” to spray this polar bear black has now influenced potential starvation for the bear. You can see more on the story here.
This just makes me lose faith in humanity.
Alexis Zarycki is your average girl with the hopes of leaving an everlasting impact on the world. Follow her on Instagram @official_lexpaige