Now Hiring: North Carolina Ranks In The Top 10 States Where Employers Struggle To Fill Jobs
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You have probably noticed the now hiring signs that seem to be in the window of every shop and restaurant you visit. You may have had employees apologize for slow service because they are understaffed. Everywhere you look employers just can’t seem to fill jobs. In a way this is good for workers but it’s certainly bad news for employers. And if you are an employer in North Carolina chances are you are really noticing this struggle. Our friends at WalletHub recently ranked the “States Where Employers Are Struggling The Most In Hiring”. And the Old North State ranked 10th making it one of the most difficult states to fill open positions in nationwide. The data shows that in the last month in North Carolina, the rate of open jobs in the state was 6.50% and for the last twelve months it was 6.86%. This placed North Carolina 10th on the list.
Top 10 Cities Where Employers Are Struggling To Fill Jobs
- Alaska
- West Virginia
- South Carolina
- Georgia
- New Mexico
- Lousiana
- Montana
- Mississippi
- Colorado
- North Carolina
On the opposite end of the spectrum, the easiest states to fill jobs in are New York, New Jersey, and Washington DC in that order. While this is bad news for employers in North Carolina its good news for workers seeking jobs. It’s classic supply in demand and when employers have to compete to land workers, the workers benefit. It should also serve as a reason for employers to take care of the employees they have. However, this can also lead to an increase in prices in an economy that is already overwhelmed by inflation. So you’ll have to decide if you think this is good or bad news.
This data was curated by WalletHub who looked at the rate of job openings in all 50 states and Washington DC over the last month and last twelve months. The latest month was weighted highest a 2/3 of the score while the year rate accounted for 1/3 of the score. You can read the full list and methodology from WalletHub here.
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This North Carolina City Is The Number 2 City People Are Dreaming Of Moving To
If you could live anywhere in the United States where would it be? New York City, Los Angeles, perhaps somewhere near the beach? For years I would have answered that question with Nashville. But a lot of people would answer it Charlotte or Raleigh. Yes one North Carolina city is actually the second most popular city people are dreaming of moving to. This is according to data from Coldwell Banker. The tallied the most frequent searches of people looking to move, using their Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC Move Meter℠ tool. The tool compares characteristics such as cost and quality of living city by city. And the second most popular destination was right here in North Carolina.
The data collected includes tens of thousands of searches over the course of the year. And it reveals the most sought-after cities for Americans looking to relocate. One interesting trend over the past year was the decrease in people looking to move out of state. Last year 82% of all Move Meter searches were for out-of-state moves, compared to 72.5% this year. The top places people are moving from? The list included cities like Los Angeles, Louisville Kentucky, and Chicago.
Listen I’ve lived in North Carolina my entire life. I’m not actively trying to leave in fact, I don’t think I would even if the opportunity presented itself. But I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that North Carolina is where people are dreaming of moving to. I know they are coming- we see them every day and deal with the traffic. But you could go anywhere in the United States and North Carolina is the top choice? I’m not a hater, just don’t see the mass appeal. Here are the NC cities people dream of moving to as well as the others in the top 3.
Melanie Day is a graduate of North Carolina State University. She has worked for Beasley since 2012 in a variety of behind-the-scenes roles in both digital and promotions. Melanie writes about a diverse range of topics some of her favorites include travel, restaurants, Taylor Swift, and college athletics. When not at work you'll find her at a country concert or NC State sporting event.