This Disclaimer Will Now Be Before Every Episode of ’13 Reasons Why’ Season 2
The show that got people talking last year will now be showing a new warning trailer for each episode during season 2. ’13 Reasons Why’ is a Netflix original about a teen who commits suicide and leaves her “friends” with the answers why. After season 1, the show sparked a chance to talk about many different things that children and adults are faced with on a daily basis.
As seen in an interview with GMA, the show sparked a backlash from advocacy groups saying the show “glorified” suicide, so the fictional show will now automatically play a warning for those about to watch. Netflix hopes this will hopefully help people who are struggling.
Do you think this is a step in the right direction?
Alexis Zarycki is your average girl with the hopes of leaving an everlasting impact on the world. Follow her on Instagram @official_lexpaige