Charlotte Based Company Develops App To Possibly Prevent New COVID-19 Outbreaks
Many preventative measures have been created to tackle super illness COVID-19. Technological advancements in healthcare have improved our nation’s well being over the years. Among the newest developments is an app that can apparently prevent breakouts from happening.
Tresata Inc., an analytics company in Charlotte has developed an app that can predict the location of the next COVID-19 hot spot through the analysis of public data. COAT or COVID Active Transmission operates on a ‘county-by-county’ level and is designed for medical organizations, federal administrations as well as non-profits that are working to defeat the virus.
The incredible app that was built in less than a week. Among other reliable sources, information is gathered from John Hopkins University Center, the U.S. Census, county health rankings, and hospital locators. The team responsible is also looking to add more descriptive data into the app such as news reports, age history, and how many beds a hospital has. Information will also be given on counties nearby that could potentially be a new hot spot. Tresata will not have access to the information only the targeted entities will.