South Carolina Has One of the Lowest Life Expectancies in the U.S.
Did you know when you live in certain states you may be eligible to live a little longer? Doesn’t that sound kind of crazy to think about? Your state can impact your overall health enough to lower your life expectancy. How long could you really depend on your state to help you live longer?
Fortune has listed the top 10 best states in the United States for a longer life expectancy and also the 10 states with the worse life expectancy in the U.S. Maybe the secret to a better, longer life is all in the state you reside in. Using data from the Centers for Disease Control, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and the Census Bureau it seems Hawaii has the best life expectancy. Hawaii’s overall life expectancy is 80.7 years. How nice is that? Of course, this is just an average it does not mean people cannot live past that age anywhere.
Well, where exactly does South Carolina fall? South Carolina fell in the bottom 10 states with the lowest life expectancies. The life expectancy in South Carolina is age 74.8. Which led the state to come in at No. 43 on the list. Plenty of things come into place when it comes to one’s life expectancy but things such as access to healthcare, environmental changes, genetics, and more.
You may or may not believe what state has the lowest life expectancy. Find out which state came in at No. 51 with a life expectancy of 72.8 here.