Charlotte Hornets Win Opening Night
Well looka here. The Chaaaaaarloooootte Hornets won opening night and set a franchise record for 3 pointers. The Hornets took on the The Chicago Bulls to open 2019 -2020 season. The hive was alive and rocking as the Hornets raced to 126-125 victory. The Hornets next game is Friday night as they will take on the Minnesota Timberwolves. Let’s go Hornets !!
As the host of The Morning Maddhouse, No Limit Larry is known for his persistent and energetic personality on and off the air. During his 25 years at Power 98, Larry has become one of the most recognizable names on Charlotte radio. Because of his energy and humility, fans connect with him on a personal level. You are even able to hear his thoughts and read his articles on controversial topics online daily on the Power 98 website. He loves to argue and will deep dive into many topics that you may have not thought of.