Kanye West Jesus Is King Album Review
To try and get back the black vote Kanye has been running around doing a “Sunday Service” in various cities across the country spreading the gospel and trying to convince people to give their life to christ. In the midst of doing these gospel pop ups, Kanye found the time to drop an album entitles “Jesus Is King”. There was a lot of anticipation surrounding this album especially since Kanye stated that prior to this album he was doing the devil’s music. None of the songs on this album stand out as a song that will be a major radio or national mainstream hit. The number of streams were significantly down also and I would tend to believe that is due to the fact that he’s been a Trump supporter as of late and trying to get people, mainly black folk, to give him a chance in spite of all of the racist and bigoted comments he’s made on top of the numerous lies he’s told since he’s been in office. Bottom line is once you turn your hardcore fans against you its hard to get them back and even harder to resurrect your career. What do yall think of Kanye’s new album?