Panthers Drop 4th Straight
The Carolina lost their 5th consecutive game against the Washington Redskins today. People are growing frustrated in the Queen City asking for Ron Rivera’s job, trying to figure out what’s gone wrong, and even wanting to switch QBs AGAIN. You know who’s not upset, ME, I said a while ago that Kyle wasn’t the answer and Cam will be back but fans wanted to be done with Cam. Regardless, I’m excited that my team (redskins) contributed to the panthers losing streak, we’ve been bad all year but ever since we started our rookie Dwayne Haskins we r 2-1 winning 2 in a row. We have a great future ahead of us. What do you think the panthers need to do?
Burpie is a stand-up comedian seen on MTV’s Wild n Out, Joking Off, Worldstar tv, Real Housewives of Atlanta, etc. He is also a radio personality on No Limit Larry and the Morning Maddhouse. He enjoys writing random Charlotte stories that he finds interesting or even bringing his comedy to the internet. He also writes about Charlotte sports. His life on a day to day is sometimes where he finds a lot of inspiration for his online content and on-air bits.