Time to FIGHT BACK!!
For months now we’ve seen protests across the country and across the world taking place to defund the police, for police reform, and to fix a a broken judicial system that’s not made for any person of color. With the recent shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, WI we clearly see that not enough is being done as far as the necessary changes needed in order for things like this not to happen anymore.
What made it even more clear to me that the police and the authorities that be don’t care about us at all was when the police literally let the man in kenosha who shot 2 protesters dead in the street walk by them and even offered him water AFTER people were telling them that he was the one who shot and killed those people. The crazy thing is the people who he shot were not people of color but you can tell when the police were interacting with the shooter that they were telling him how o interact with protesters and even offered him some water because when they think of protesters they think of angry black people running through the streets robbing, stealing, and pillaging.
If law enforcement was made for us (black people) then why are the only ones who are constantly killed JUST BECAUSE. Whether we are in our back yard, leaving our bachelor party, going home from the convenience store, or sitting in the car with our wife and children and actually complying with what we are asked to do.
People won’t understand what black people are angry about because they haven’t been in our shoes. They won’t know what it’s like to have their children dragged out of their homes, beaten, and thrown in a river left to die. They won’t know what it’s like to have an officer put a knee on their neck for 8:46 secs. No one will understand how we feel until WE FIGHT BACK!! I understand there are those people who will say “no violence is not the answer” but to them I ask WHAT IS THE ANSWER? We are tired we are angry and now we are becoming fed up. Once a race of people are backed into a corner the only thing they can do is fight out of that corner. I am not the type of person to tell people to randomly start a fight with someone, by fight back I mean we need to infiltrate this system that is so heavily broken so we can change it from the inside, by fight back I mean we need to arm ourselves to protect ourselves, we need to form our own law enforcement to protect our communities specifically. If there are protests going on then we need to have people out there to protect the protesters, they are the ones who are being peaceful and shouldn’t be getting pepper sprayed, or run over with bikes, nor tear gassed.