YIKES: Gary Owen’s Wife Accuses Him of Cheating and Calls Out Claudia Jordan
Over the weekend Gary Owen’s wife, Kenya Duke, shocked fans when she filed for divorce after 18 years of marriage. Yesterday, she took to social media in a post and delete and accused Gary of cheating with a woman in Dallas, TX. She even name-dropped Claudia Jordan and alluded that the mistress is a friend of Claudia’s.
“Tried to be quiet out of respect for my kids but @claudiajordan has me on one this morning. 23 years together Gary didn’t have s*** but a raggedy pick up and good credit, no place to live. Dallas, TX your old a**should know better – Married not separated- married. @garyowencomedy all the energy you spent lying, acting and creating a fake narrative for these b****es that want to be me, you could have done it with a veggie burger and a glass of fake filtered water. #whitewomenarenotinvolved #notclaudia #claudiasfriend #draggingmebackto98th/MacAuthur street mindset. I’ve worked so hard and come so far, I bought a pack of 5 therapy sessions but the don’t start until the 29th. Happy Monday.”
Claudia hopped on Instagram to deny any involvement in the situation. She even went on to say that he friends aren’t involved either.