5 Ways Being In Quarantine Can Help Your Relationship
This one goes out to one of the greatest gaming love stories of all time. Pacman and Ms. Pacman are an easy choice for a classic video game couples costume, however traveling with this might be take a little thinking.
Quarantine poses as the best time to get to know your lover. But most importantly, yourself. While indoors, take advantage of no distractions, unlimited snacks, and conversation. These times are crucial and can help or be a possible threat to your relationship. If you’re running high off emotion or just running out of options, below are five things to do to improve the situation or add to your self care.
- Let go of the past – We can’t change the past but we can shape our future by letting go of it. Make a list of all the things that have caused you pain or just simply made you feel uneasy. Try to make amends and vow to never have repetition of those words or actions moving forward. If it’s beyond repair, accept it as a lesson. Healing should produce happiness.
- Open up -Be vulnerable. Show off who you really are. The state of disconnection at times stem from a lack of knowledge. It’s certain that we cannot read minds, so don’t expect your partner to.
- Pick the brain– Explore experiences, future thoughts, and current emotions. Think of what makes a person.
- Get Active– Do something. Play games,painting, cook, exercise, have an indoor salon( everyone loves to get their hair and nails done). Get creative. Just because you’re indoors does not mean you can’t create memories.
- Cuddle– Intimacy without being intimate. Get connected while watching your favorite show or in silence.
If for whatever reason , this is not possible then could it be you are quarantined with the wrong lover? That maybe a bit extreme, but at least it can open your eyes to improve your communication and maybe take advantage of one of the 5 things above.
Whether it's radio or TV, there is someone needed who can add the bang for the buck! Vonyetta is double that bang. Having held the spot as the #1 midday personality in the Charlotte market landed her awards for “Favorite Midday Personality” in 2014 and “Best Midday Show” in 2016 for the “Best In The City Awards.” Besides spending time with family, Vonyetta enjoys writing about things happening in the black community of Charlotte. From things going on in your neighborhoods to HBCU news, she keeps listeners engaged and informed.