Man Who Claims To Be “Hidden” Son of LL Cool J Speaks Out
We have heard many stories about people claiming to be “hidden” children of celebrities, but this one maybe worth looking. A man claiming to son of LL Cool J speaks out.
A young man named Love Benji is claiming to be the “hidden” son of LL Cool J. He claimed that he signed an NDA which he is calling “bogus” according to The Source. Benji is claiming that he found out the truth just a few short years ago during the pandemic. Once he learned the truth he attempted to reach out but he claims James Todd Smith, as he knows his Dad, has blocked him. He does look strikingly similar to LL Cool J for real. He even claims that his Dad sends around $200 per month. Now, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that something in the water just ain’t clean! Somebody somewhere is lying. I don’t know who it is, but why would someone like LL Cool J only send $200? Why send anything at all just to ensure there are no issues in this coming out if he really and truly wanted it to be a secret. Checkout the video below of him speaking out and tell me what you think.