Teacher Gives Kisses On The Lips To Elementary Students
Teacher Gives Kisses On The Lips To Elementary Students
You actually read this correctly. A video of a teacher is circulating of a teacher kissing giving kisses on the lips to some elementary students.
As crazy as it may sound, I don’t think the teacher meant any harm, however, she may have gone about it the wrong way. The teacher has three hearts on the chalkboard. One has the word kiss, one has hugs, and one has high five. The students choose which form of love they want or need and she gives it. Now, some parents may say giving kisses on the cheek or even the forehead, but never on the lips. First off, do you know how nasty these little kids ends can be? They touch their faces, noses, etc. I also think it crosses the line. I understand showing children love and making them feel loved, but there is a proper way to do this. The Watch this video and say your mind. This is a safe space. pic.twitter.com/sK0oPpjn7h
— Dami’ Adenuga (@DAMIADENUGA) September 10, 2023?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1700835865361023356%7Ctwgr%5E428ccce40fd1a9d694505291b0a8e360d2272f3e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesouthafrican.com%2Fnews%2Foffbeat%2Fweird-video-of-teacher-kissing-students-on-the-lips-breaking-13-september-2023%2F">video is circulating all over X and started to spark a lot of conversation.
The kids are indeed choosing which form of love. quite a few children are choosing for their teacher giving kisses, but is that really acceptable? It’s not acceptable to me, is it acceptable to you?
25 Memorable TV Teachers
Michael Jacobs Productions
25 memorable TV teachers
Choosing from the plethora of memorable TV teachers is not quite as simple as ABC. Teachers are not only a part of the fabric of our everyday lives, they make a huge impact on our development and personal identities as we grow. When you think back on your younger years, the cast of characters from your life is sure to include at least a few teachers—from those who inspired you to love learning to others who maybe had the opposite effect. It’s not surprising that many TV shows reflect the important place teachers hold within our communities and our hearts.
Stacker surveyed the history of TV and chose 25 memorable teachers from a wide variety of TV shows including animated series, teen dramas, and iconic sitcoms, presented here in alphabetical order by the last name of the teacher.
Any show attempting to capture the experience of childhood or adolescence would be incomplete without a teacher among its cast. From sources of inspiration and wisdom to comedic relief, and from protagonist to villain, teachers have played a variety of roles throughout the history of TV. If you’re feeling nostalgic, keep reading to be reminded of these 25 memorable teachers from TV.
Whether it's radio or TV, there is someone needed who can add the bang for the buck! Vonyetta is double that bang. Having held the spot as the #1 midday personality in the Charlotte market landed her awards for “Favorite Midday Personality” in 2014 and “Best Midday Show” in 2016 for the “Best In The City Awards.” Besides spending time with family, Vonyetta enjoys writing about things happening in the black community of Charlotte. From things going on in your neighborhoods to HBCU news, she keeps listeners engaged and informed.